Three petals softness plays upon my heart
Three barter for the life of the whole
You cannot coerce one to kill the other nor denigrate itself
The metaphor of the door abiding threshold
Tells its story until it becomes a chant
The story of the door the story of the threshold
Repeats until it becomes a key

We should take in its formal center
Forms misfiring organize the world
Social and detrimental to long life on earth
Intention breaking broken thus time passes banal ever-lasting
Three marks seal your memory inside me
Petals tow strongly east and west
A courage of red bisects

The moon represents my heart
Is the oldest thing ever spoken on earth
Is an engine of uncertainty three for all time
The sound of my inner children churning
Compositionally involved
They want music
Untouched trees
The formal rigidity only a body can produce at will
Producing more questions forms
Is the oldest thing ever spoken on earth
Is an engine of uncertainty three for all time
The sound of my inner children churning
Compositionally involved
They want music
Untouched trees
The formal rigidity only a body can produce at will
Producing more questions forms
Let me narrate some of the recent past:
Money is the base of spiritual cultivation
Which our emperor has none to begin with
All those who seek power are punished by heaven
Itself ruled by a father
The husband thus sets out to kill the Inner Father
The final test is always this Inner Father
He has made you hate the soft and wilder things on earth
The Inner Father polishes his pearlescent skin beneath the moonlight
Bodies become fathers when pushed to their limits
You wanted to be good
The faceable sum of your hellish parts
Your own demilitarized zone that connotes without shame

What will I say to the great turtle when he sees me?
Not Autobiography
Not The Line Running Through It
My myth found me later
Somewhere between life and death
As if speech was always straining in this direction
My mist found me open-mouthed on the beach
Engorged with air
Bent crudely
Three petals open to the ignorance of water
Living creatures ask one another:
So Then,
How Do
How Do
Men cut up the earth
Men cut off their petals

In a story, I make you a promise
If my body survives the future
Aye Ya
If my family survives the future
I will teach them to move
Three barter for the life of the whole
Three moving through time
Repeated upon
Asked about mine
Three forged in time
Alvin Tran is a choreographer and artist from Seattle, USA. Recently, he has worked on performances with The Inner Mongolian National Troupe of Song and co-directed the Macau Dance festival. He has shown works in exhibitions including Looking For A Clone at Cherish, Nobody Beats The Odds at Forde, Shanghai Projects at Himalaya’s Museum, Self-Criticism at Inside-Out Museum, and Art Night London. His writing has appeared in New Performance Review and Heichi Magazine.
Born in Shandong, China, in 1987, Wendy Xu lives in Brooklyn. She is most recently the author of The Past, and Phrasis, named one of the Ten Best Poetry Books of 2017 by the New York Times Book Review. She is assistant professor of writing at The New School in NYC.